Board Game Menu

Below you’ll find listed all the games we bring. (Player counts are in parentheses.)

The Classics

Battleship (2 players)

Boggle (2+)

Checkers (2)

Chess (2)

Clue (3-6)

Connect 4 (2)

Cranium (4+)

Guess Who (2)

Jenga (2)

Monopoly (2-8)

Pictionary (2 teams)

Scattergories (2-6)

Scrabble (2-4)

Sorry (2-4)

Trivial Pursuit (2-4)

UNO (2 copies) (2-10)

Party Games

Carcassonne (2-5)

Dominion (2-4)

Photosynthesis (2-4)

Settlers of Catan (2 copies) (3-6)

Splendor (2-4)

Ticket to Ride (2-5)

Azul (2-4)

Coup (2-6)

Mr. Jack Pocket (2)

Light Fun Games

Somewhere between party games and strategy games

Balderdash (2-6)

Codenames (2 teams)

Exploding Kittens (2-5)

Just One (3-7)

The Mind (2-4)

No Thanks (3-6)

Set (1-20)

Skull (3-6)

Taboo (4-10)

Werewords (4-10)

Wits & Wagers (3-7)

Word Games

Bananagrams (1-8)

Snatch It (2-10)

Word Domination (2-4)

Boggle (2+)

Scrabble  (2-4)